1983 / 84 |
Ulm an der Donau Offices of Social Welfare and Industrial Tribunal, glass design for atrium court |
1986 - 90 |
Cologne, eight glass Windows for Clarenbachstift |
1986 |
Meisenheim (Pfalz), glass passageway in Town Hall |
1988 |
Stuttgart, Regional Post Office Administration Building, fourteen refectory windows |
1989 |
Speyer, Chapel of the Evangelical Deaconesses´ Hospital |
1990 |
Waiblingen, three windows in Dietrich Bonhoeffer Church |
1991 / 92 |
Pleisweiler-Oberhofen, Martinskirche, seven windows |
1992 |
Westerrönfeld, Luther-Kirche, two windows |
1994 /95 |
Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz, five windows in St. Johannes |
1997 |
Hamburg, glass-ceiling in the Levantehaus (Hyatt-Hotel) |
1998 |
Speyer/Rhein, glass design of the chapel in the hospice of the Evangelical Deaconesses´ Hospital |
1998 |
Stuttgart, window of the chapel / catholic congreation of the university |
2000 |
Munich, Bayerischer Rundfunk. Glassinstallation in the Entrance Hall. |
2000 |
Waakirchen / Tegernsee. 2 Windows for the katholic kindergarten St.Martin. |
2001 |
Bad Waldsee, Chapel in the Elisabeth-Stiftung der Franziskanerinnen von Reute |
2001 |
Stuttgart, Evang. Diakonissenanstalt. 2 Windows for the funeral parlour. |
2001 |
Bad Waldsee, Gestaltung der Kapelle in der Elisabeth-Stiftung der Franziskanerinnen von Reute.
3 Fenster, Tabernakel, Kreuz |
2001 |
Stuttgart, Evang. Diakonissenanstalt
2 Fenster für die Aussegnungshalle |
2002 |
Bad Waldsee, St.Elisabeth – Stiftung, Hauskapelle, 3 Fenster, Tabernakel, Kreuz |
2006 |
Schorndorf, Evangelische Stadtkirche, Jedermann-Fenster |
2007 |
Backnang, Hospiz Backnang, Aussegnungsraum, 2 Fenster, 1 Mosaik, Lebensbaum |
2008 |
Grossheppach, Aegidiuskirche, 1 Fenster (Chor) |
2009 |
Beutelsbach, Beutelsbacher Stiftskirche, 3 Fenster (Chor) |
2010 |
Westerrönfeld, Evangelische Lutherkirche, 2 Fenster |
2011 |
Stuttgart, Haus Heidelberger, 1 Fenster |
2011 |
Esslingen, Johanniskirche, 3 Fenster |