
Hans Gottfried von Stockhausen

Hans-Gottfried von Stockhausen


Hans Gottfried von Stockhausen died on 8th Jan 2010



Hans Gottfried von Stockhausen lives as a free painter in Buoch near Stuttgart. His work concentrates on stained glass for architecture and as autonomous panel, painting, drawing, etching and woodcarving.

Stockhausen was born on 12 May 1920 in Trendelburg/Germany . After war participation and british imprisonment in the egyptian desert, he studied glass painting and mosaic from 1947-52 with professor Yelin in Stuttgart. As an Artist, Stockhausen specialised in architectural Stained Glass and designed windows for over one hundred Churches all over the world. 1968 he became director of a basic class for painting at the Stuttgart Academy of Fine Arts.1970 he became Professor and took over the Class of his teacher for Stained Glass and Mosaik at the Stuttgart Academy of Fine Arts.

The contribution, Hans Gottfried von Stockhausen made as an artist and academic teacher to contemporary glass painting since the late seventies is registered far beyond Germany with attention. He placed the free glass picture -developed by himself since 1964- into the focal point of its university instruction. The coloured glass became the topic, not alone as given material.  Contentwise his pictures take up frequently Biblical stories and motives from the antique mythology. Its pictures would like to transfer, for it important contents, into a today understandable language.

He did not only revive old techniques relating to crafts for the handling of flat glasses, but also new, uncommon techniques with glass pictures. Under his influence " Stuttgart glasses " an internationally recognized term was created. After his retirement he took up  a teaching job in the Pichuck Glass School in Pilchuck / Washington (USA) in 1986 and 1990 and 1987 a teaching job in Edinburgh / Scotland

Today Stockhausen works and lives in Stuttgart/Germany and Waldenburg/Hohenlohe (Germany)


Hans Gottfried von Stockhausen